Operated by: Metropolitan Police Service


Contact Details

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MPSForestHill

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MPSLewisham

Email: ForestHill.SNT@Met.police.uk

Current Priorities


Drug Supply/Use - Issues with drug supply around Dartmouth Road and particular locations around there.


Police have been conducting numerous plain clothes and uniformed patrols in the area's of concern and conducted stops of suspects offenders.
Arrests for Possession with Intent to Supply offences whereby they were imprisoned. Patrols will continue to be conducted in the area.


Motor Vehicle Crime including theft of and also theft from. There has been considerably concerning vehicle thefts in and around Ringmore Rise and surrounding roads. Officers conduct proactive plain clothes and uniformed patrols in the area and also hold regular street briefings with residents to discuss the issues.


Patrols continue to be conducted both as overt and covert. Officers are utilisng intelligence and local knowledge to target offenders and have also provided crime prevention signs in and around the local area. Police continue to push for CCTV at specific locations targeted.


Burglary - Due to the time of year, Burglary often appears to increase around this time.


Crime prevention advise in regards to burglary is provided to residents and officers attend if a burglary has occured. Recent suspects had been identified for a spate of burglaries in the local area and enquiries continue in regards to these.