Operated by: Hampshire Constabulary


Our patrol sector covers Marchwood, Dibden Purlieu, Hythe, Holbury, Blackfield, Langley, Fawley, Lepe and Calshot.

Contact Details

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WatersidePolice

Telephone: 101

Email: New.Forest.East.Police@hampshire.police.uk

Current Priorities


Reports have increased and the team have repeatedly targeted known problematic areas and we work in conjunction with Hythe's ACSO's and HRFS.
We, and our Education partnership team, engage with the local schools particularly focusing on current crimes and ASB- heightening awareness and education.
We continue to engage with Hythe’s ACSOs to orchestrate joint patrols and target known hotspots.
Youth groups have been visited and presentations/ talks given to local children around the targeted issues from a prevention perspective- this is then echoed with our fixed placed beat surgeries, allowing members of the public to have a time slot each and every week where a member of the Constabulary is available to talk to.


Patrols increased in town/ village centre areas where youths are congregating.
The team will repeatedly target known “hang outs” . We continue to visit schools within the local area and provide information on the risks and effects of ASB. We review all recorded ASB to check that no crime is present that can be acted upon in a formal route and that any victim is given the necessary support. Patrols will increase in line with school holidays or weekends.
We bring other Policing departments into the area when we are not on duty to ensure a regular, visible presence.
We have linked in with the Constabulary's ASB Co-ordinators to create a targeted plan to address young offenders with civil notices for their behaviour if no criminal offences are present.


Balancing this issue with pre-existing local priorities, demands and time constraints, we want a clear and direct approach in obtaining the necessary evidence to progress a stores' loss and bringing the suspect to justice quickly so a pattern of behaviour cannot develop.


We have re-engaged with all stores that were involved with the Shopwatch scheme- reaffirming lines of communication and establishing the level of evidence needed to progress a shoplifting through the legal system from the loser's perspective. Each and every shoplifting within our area will be reviewed. Evidence packs are sent to the store for necessary CCTV downloads. If we can ID the suspect, we will progress with formal action. If a repeat offender persists, we will look to arrest and remand that offender immediately to halt offending.


Continual feedback that the voice of the community is not being heard coupled with further suggestions that Police are not present on the streets


Making the community aware of Hampshire Constabulary's efforts to collate views and feedback through our Hampshire alert scheme.
By signing up to Hampshire Alert, you'll receive messages about crime, witness appeals and general policing activity and issues in your local area, and what is being done about them. You'll also hear about positive police action, good news stories and be able to play an active part in helping us with our public appeals.


A known person is repeatedly offending within a locality that is affecting individuals, businesses and the wider community


All issues attributed to the single person have been investigated and the evidence correlated by DNO Grimley. Each victim has been contacted and regular contact achieved. Large areas have been scoped for CCTV and house to house enquiries. The person in question has been detained, on multiple occasions, for these offences.