Operated by: Devon & Cornwall Police
https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/area/your-area/devon-cornwall/east-cornwall/bude-town/Current Priorities
New term
Now all if not most of our educational establishments have resumed for the new term; local police would like to thank all public for their continual support and engagement during the busy summer period. We hope everyone has been able to find some rest and enjoyment over the summer period.
As the evenings become darker and wetter please can everyone be reminded to be extra careful when travelling.
Update: 04 March 2020 - Term update
By now we are all fully back to the normal run of the mill routines..
Perhaps thinking about the next half term. It is exciting to see the days starting to become a little longer, there have been some lovely weather spells including sunsets/rise :)
Please continue to help support our fellow members of the community as this time of year can be particularly difficult for some.
Local police have significantly increased their patrols of the Bude and surrounding areas within the last month given the national concerns and isolation rules.
It is with great pleassure that we can thank the vast majority of the local population to adereing to these guidlines as seen on Gov and NHS website eg
This grattitude is not to be overlooked. It may not feel like your saving lives being alone/inside four walls, but you really are saving lives so thank you. There is nothing more important than this.
Thanks to everyone that has cooperated with emergency services at this time.
Please let this be a reminder to everyone of the importance of strictly following the COVID 19 related guidlines.
We are also aware of so many people, volunteers, NHS staff, careers, supermarket staff and delivery drivers and many many more who are risking their lives/health to serve the community. They are given up their time away from their loved ones to create a better quality of life for everyone else. THANK YOU
Update: 03 September 2021 - Current lockdown guidelines.
Coronavirus restrictions remain in place across the country. In England:
- Only socialise indoors with people you live with or who are in your support bubble
- Up to 6 people or 2 households can meet outside
- Work from home if you can and minimise travel
- If you have symptoms get a test and stay at home.
Update: 03 September 2021 - Everyone's safety is a priority
For many of us the continued changed and new way of limited social interaction is a massive challenge.
As has been the ongoing message, doing our best to keep to the guidelines/law is the only way of helping to reduce the spread of COVID 19. Enforcement of the legal requirements will occur to ensure we keep each other safe.
Lets work together to keep our lovely town as COVID free and possible!
Update: 03 September 2021 - Update
Bude has had a noticable increase in population wthin the last couple weeks. It is with huge appreciation that generally most people have been enguaging and respectful of local COVID precautions.
Please can this be an important reminder that following local precautions in all areas of Bude is extremely important for everyones safety.
Focus on Licenced Premises
With neighbouring Devon in Tier 2 and other Tiers wishing to visit our wonderful town, we are focussed on compliance in our pubs. We are supporting licencees in ensuring their premises are compliant and their customers are behaving in accordance with whatever Tier they are from.
To tackle the increased use of drugs in Bude
Currently we do have a noticable increase of information relating to drug use in Bude and surrounding area.
This is unlikely to diminish with the holiday season. Please be our eyes and ears and contact police with any information;
999 urgent
101 non urgent
crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Update: 03 September 2021 - Intelligence
Since the last updates a number of positive warrants have been executed in the Bude area. We continue to proactively engage, when possible, with key stakeholders to identify further avenues for action. Please do not hesitate to let us know about any concerns or properties you have information about. It will be treated in the strictest confidence and you will be protected. Lets work together to drive this issue out.
Update: 03 September 2021 - Working together
It has been a pleasure to be able to communicate more with local schools and agency's recently. It has been really encouraging to hear of previous concerns of drug issues with some individuals becoming less concerning.
Its also encouraging to share ideas and work closely with our partners to reduce current concerns with other individuals.
It remains a priority to continue to communicate with partners and members of the public about ways we can continue to keep our young people safe.
Update: 03 September 2021 - Street Marshalls
It is with great enthusiasm we can welcome a team of Street Marshalls for the Bude area. They started patrolling popular areas in Bude within the last week. Their role is to help prevent incidents of anti-social behaviour before police presence is required.
They will be wearing high vis jackets and will carry water, flip flops and foil blankets for those found in a vulnerable state.
They are patrolling between 2000 and 0300 hours every night for the holiday season.
This has been kindly funded by the PCC.
Update: 03 September 2021 - Local connectivity
Local police still have ongoing concerns for drugs being circulated amongst young people, and the possible carrying of knives. There has already been significant disruption to this concern.
Police have spoken with individuals and collaborated with other agencies to ensure a robust and supportive approach to young people.
Any information about this is key for police action, your details kept in strictest of confidence. Thanks to all those young people for being confident to speak fo their concerns. Together we make it safer.
Update: 03 September 2021 - Dispersal noitces
Bude has recently had temporary dispersal notices in place covering the Summerleaze and Castle grounds area. This gives police the ability to move on gatherings and any individuals that may give cause for concern. These have been temporarily on weekends and are a reaction to some concerns of anti-social behaviour and drug related activity.
This is to help prevent the anti-social behaviour and drug related concerns.
This is for everyone's safety and enjoyment and is not intended to cause concern or prevent individuals from enjoying the outdoors.
Several officers have patrolled these areas, some from other areas of Devon and Cornwall to increase police presence.
Update: 03 September 2021 - Focus on Licenced Premises
With neighbouring Devon in Tier 2 and visitors from other Tiers wanting to enjoy the delights of Bude we are focussed on compliance with the Governments Coronavirus guidance to ensure Bude residents remain safe. Licenced premises must ensure their customers are following their own Tiers rules. Police are their to support the licencees and ensure guidance is adhered to.
Update: 03 September 2021 - Multy agency engagement
Local police and social services have made visits to some individuals where there has been a concern of drug taking and child sexual exploitation. Enquiries and safeguarding are still ongoing.
We are delighted to announce that at least one individual has made efforts to step away from the concerning behaviour and engage with support networks. They have also put energies into more positive community and life choices.
It is vitally important that all those who have responsibilities for young people continue to engage and communicate with them to ensure their safety and report any concerns via 101, 999 (urgent), https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/,0800 555 111 https://crimestoppers-uk.org/
Bude Police
Update: 03 September 2021 - Online safeguaridng meeting
An online mental health meeting was held where multiple agencys discussed their updates for concerns amnoungst young people in Bude area. Although there are understandable concerns especialy within the current pandemic, further engagement is being made available through mental health services and online forums. Also reviewing ways that information is shared to increase police proactivity.
Child Sexual Exploitation
As a top priority, Police are investigation an emerging issue of girls aged 14-18 attending addresses of concern in Bude where their vulnerability is being exploited and coerced into sexual activity and drug misuse through peer pressure. Police would like those adults who have responsibility for a relevant young person to take the opportunity to educate them in the risks of being drawn into such behaviour and to have a safety plan if they find themselves in a situation they are uncomfortable with.
Update: 10 September 2019 - Positive Outcome
Thanks to the cooperation from the public, the courage from our young people and multy agency liaison the initial concern of child sexual exploitation has largely been disrupted.
This is still a top priority and continuing investigations is underway to uproot any further concerns and locations.
It is always vital that regular and honest conversations are had with our young people to continue to keep them safe.
Update: 10 September 2019 - Ongoing safeguarding and prevention
Thank you to all those who have assisted police in investigations. We strongly request anyone with information no matter how trivial to come forward. All information is given in the strictest of confidence. So far we have been able to prevent further concerns with current contact we have had.
Please can all adults responsible for any young person be reminded of the extreme importance of communicating regularly with young people in their care.
Update: 10 September 2019 - Important reminder
We are pleased to announce that the known risk for exploitation has reduced. However this still remains a priority as we want to ensure that the public are still aware of the absolute priority to continue supporting our young people and have those honest conversations.
Update: 10 September 2019 - Continual safety of our young people
Whilst at present we do not have a specific concern for child sexual exploitation. The importance of being extra vigilant with our your people during the holiday season must not be under estimated.
This calls for all parents/carers to be very mindful of where your young people are and regularly communicating with them.
Clearly any concerns need communicating with police at the earliest oppurtunity via 999 (urgent) 101 (non urgent).
Update: 10 September 2019 - Focussed Police Activity
Police have contacted the parents of a number of young females identified as visiting the addresses of concern in an effort to disrupt the activity, and will continue to do so. Enquiries are ongoing to identify further visitors to the addresses. Budehaven School is aware and supporting the police investigation.
It is clear this type of behaviour can be considered cool by those involved at the time, but after a period of reflection the feelings of what happened can often change to regret. The police cannot tackle this issue alone. Please have those difficult conversations.
Latest News
As we near the start of the first change please remember it only relates to the phased return of our children to school. We are still in lockdown and we need to be vigilant and keep it going. We have had reports of youths congregating in the evenings in various parts of Launceston. Please work with us to stop this from happening. Check where your children are and remember to stick to the rules. If they are caught out and about it could result in fines being issued to you. Stay safe and look after yourselves.
Drug supply
Drug supply has been identified as a Sector Priority.
Drug supply, whether through County Lines or as part of a Dangerous Drug Network is a contributory factor in criminality and health and social issues nationally.
All officers are to make full use of their stop and search powers and deal robustly with offences where discovered.
Neighbourhood Team to continue executing search warrants and conducting investigations at target addresses and on individuals.
Persistent shoplifting has been identified as a Sector Priority. Prolific shoplifters are to be targeted and dealt with robustly.
Persistent Anti social behaviour
Persistent ASB has been identified as a Sector Priority across all areas of Launceston Sector.
Patrol and Neighbourhood Officers are to focus on hot-spot areas which are identified areas with an evidenced cluster of crime and ASB.
Officers to make use of ASB, Stop and Search and Dispersal Powers if necessary.
Re-engagement with Bude Town Centre
Our priority will be to carry out regular daytime foot patrols in Bude Town Centre for reassurance and crime prevention purposes.
Update: 16 March 2022 - Our focus on this priority continues
Amongst other commitments, as a Neighbourhood Policing Team, we continue to complete high visibility patrols in Bude Town Centre, engaging with members of the public. This allows us to understand the true issues the Town is facing and respond appropriately.
Most recently, aided by our Patrol colleagues, this has also included specific patrols of the Castle Grounds and The Wharf in response to reports of Anti-Social Behaviour.
Provision of facilities for young persons.
We will activiely seek to liaise with both the local councils, Cornwall County Council and other partner agencies with an aim to increase the facilities available for young person in the area
Update: 16 March 2022 - Our focus on this priority continues
As a Neighbourhood Policing Team we are determined to provide young people in our area with suitable provisions for their leisure and enjoyment.
We are currently engaging with a range of other agencies to facilitate this; however, have also taken time to engage with young people at both Budehaven School and in the community to understand what is wanted going forwards.
Upcoming Events
Budehaven Community School open forum
Bude neighbourhood team have conducted an online session with staff and other community agencys linked to Bude Haven school and surrounding area.
Where: Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8DQ
When: 28 January 2025 at 14:00 - 28 January 2025 at 15:00